My Most Successful Way To Convert Students To Free-Market Capitalism

Source: Cobden Centre
by Mark Skousen

“Last weekend, the Libertarian National Convention invited me to give a breakfast address entitled, ‘My Most Successful Way to Convert Students to Free-Market Capitalism.’ The subject attracted a large crowd. I told them that I’ve given a speech on campuses across the country with a title that attracts young socialists of all kinds: ‘What’s Better than Democratic Socialism?’ I lure them in because they wonder, ‘What could be better than Democratic Socialism?’ In my talk, I explain why socialism has failed time and time again due to lack of incentives. I prove it logically with sound economics — what I call ‘econologic,’ based on the title of my textbook, ‘Economic Logic’ …. After demonstrating the fatal flaw in socialism, I offer an alternative because you can’t get rid of a bad idea unless you can replace it with a good idea.” (06/11/24)