The WHO’s plan for public-health tyranny

Source: spiked
by Molly Kingsley

“The World Health Organisation’s proposal for a global ‘pandemic treaty’ has been a political and public-relations disaster. Talks between WHO member states began in late 2021 and resumed last month, with final negotiation sessions taking place this week. WHO officials aim to settle on a new pandemic agreement and amendments to existing International Health Regulations (IHR). The initial pandemic agreement plan (or ‘zero draft’) was so controversial when it was published in 2023 that much of the negotiation process has since been conducted in secret. This draft agreement would have granted the WHO the power to issue legally binding mandates to member states and their citizens during pandemics. This would include imposing lockdowns, quarantines and mandatory vaccinations. This threatened to fundamentally redefine the relationship between nation states and the WHO. As resistance to these changes mounted internationally, the WHO has responded by smearing those critical of its ambitions.” (05/07/24)