Is TikTok ban to stop kids learning about Gaza?

Source: Philadelphia Inquirer
by Will Bunch

“If you follow politics, you’ve surely heard the expression about ‘saying the quiet part out loud.’ But when the conversation turned to the looming possible government ban of TikTok at a recent forum featuring two of the most powerful men in America — Secretary of State Antony Blinken, and departing Sen. Mitt Romney, the GOP’s 2012 presidential candidate — the once quiet part about one of the reasons behind the move became a deafening scream. … if the real motivation for zapping TikTok from your phone is to silence legitimate political speech, just because a lot of members of Congress don’t like it, then this bill is the worst attack on the First Amendment since the government was sending World War I critics like Eugene V. Debs and Kate Richards O’Hare to prison, more than 100 years ago.” (05/07/24)