NPR really would be better off without federal money

Source: The Hill
by Juan Williams

“Unfortunately, NPR accepts a very small amount of federal funding. That reality opens the door for its journalists to be called on the carpet by politicians from one side or the other. Years ago, that led NPR’s top fundraiser, Ron Schiller, to admit on tape that ‘in the long run … [NPR is] better off without federal funding.’ I agree. The left-right tit-for-tat reduced me, as a journalist, to a man walking the yellow line in the middle of the road, traffic from both sides coming at me. Neither side wants to hear about straight news delivered as honestly as possible. The DCCC letter and the far-right attacks are both damaging to the reputations of hardworking reporters, editors and reporters trying to deliver quality journalism. Journalists should not operate out of fear of angering political parties and government officials.” (04/29/24)