Cowardice, Not Courage, Led House Republicans to Side with the Democrats

Source: Ludwig von Mises Institute
by Connor O’Keeffe

[T]he political establishment’s fantasy about controlling every inch of the globe needs to be put to rest, especially while parts of this country remain so unsafe and the situation at the border grows even more chaotic. Washington’s imperial ambitions cost a lot of money and create unnecessary enemies. It’s clear many Republican voters understand, at least at a high level, what needs to happen. Every Republican candidate claims to support spending cuts. And recently, Republicans have had to navigate their base growing more skeptical of Washington’s hyperactive foreign policy. And when FISA was due to be renewed, numerous Republicans worked to implement restrictions on warrantless surveillance. To their credit, some Republicans were serious enough to try to use their small House majority to make as big a dent in the above problems as possible. … But in the end, Mike Johnson and the so-called moderate Republicans gave in on all three fronts.” (04/24/24)