You don’t want immigrants? Then tell grandma she can never retire.

Source: Washington Post
by Catherine Rampell

“On many dimensions, our ability to attract global talent to our shores is a blessing. But this being an election year, and demagogues being demagogues, right-wing pundits and political operatives have worked to darken these bright statistics. Fox News refers to Bidenomics as a ‘migrant job fair.’ The Republican-aligned Heritage Foundation alleges that ‘Americans have been completely left behind in this economy,’ citing as evidence that fact I just mentioned: that all the net new job growth is accounted for by immigrants. But the labor market is not zero-sum, and native-born workers happen to be doing extraordinarily well, too. … There just aren’t enough of us, in total, to fill all the jobs that employers are creating as boomers retire.” (04/23/24)