Senator Bob Graham, 9/11, and the Mirage of American Democracy

by James Bovard

“Former Senator Bob Graham passed away on April 16 at the age of 87. Graham had been one of the most outspoken opponents of the Iraq War, but his brightest legacy was his perennial fight against the George W. Bush administration’s cover-up of the 9/11 attacks. Graham was chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee when terrorists toppled the World Trade Center towers. When President Bush whipped up support for war by blaming the 9/11 attacks on Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, Graham recognized the scam. In October 2002, when Bush rammed a pro-war resolution (though not a formal declaration of war) through Congress, Graham objected that another war in the Middle East would obscure the real perils: ‘If you believe that the American people are not going to be at additional threat, then, frankly, my friends — to use a blunt term—blood is going to be on your hands.'” (04/22/24)