Biden failing because he simply hasn’t produced for anyone

Source: Fox News
by Greg Gutfeld

“So if you’re a grief counselor, you might want to head over to the Democratic National headquarters and pack a toothbrush, because you’re going to be there a while. Because if you look closely, the left’s biggest cheerleaders are starting to recognize that they’ve hitched their wagon to the wrong horse and it’s a horse that can barely walk, never mind run. Though, he does need his stall shoveled out twice a day. No wonder the Dems are taking the new polling so hard, they’re in the denial stage. So how bad is the rationalizing? … Joe has a huge lead, except with, you know, younger voters, Black voters, Latino voters, White voters, all voters. All that’s left are dead voters who the Dems always seem to get at the last minute …” (06/27/24)