Free Talk Live, 12/08/24

Source: Free Talk Live

“Renegade statesman and Free State Project Executive Director, Eric Brakey comes on to talk about liberty legislation :: Porcfest Taste the Revolution :: Defend the Guard :: Good news on senate in NH for liberty lovers :: People should be allowed to have monkeys as pets :: Public school is daycare :: Are R’s better than D’s? :: Drug legalization vs decriminalization :: Liberty Forum news :: Trump weaponizing tariffs :: Bonnie lies over the ocean :: Turd wants to fight Jerome :: Slavery’s opportunity cost :: This is not what Skeeter actually wanted to talk about :: The Jones Plantation movie :: Ozempic lawsuit :: Dangers of supplements :: DEI hired pilots :: Colleges dismantling DEI :: Walkie talkies for the apocalypse :: 2024-12-08 :: Hosts: Bonnie, Lori, Rich E Rich.” (12/08/24)