Water about to get a lot more expensive for millions of Californians

Source: SFGate

“Millions of Californians are set to see significant water rate hikes over the next few years, with prices for essential water supplies jumping by double-digit percentage points. In one large city, cumulative increases could see prices jump about 70% just in the next five years. San Diego County, the second-largest county in California by population, will see its water rates jump 14% for 2025, according to the San Diego County Water Authority. The public water agency, responsible for providing the majority of water to nearly two dozen area municipalities, including the city of San Diego, currently imports the majority of its water from elsewhere. The utility blamed the rate hikes on increased costs to import water, among other issues. Those costs, handed from a supplier directly to a consumer, are known as ‘passthrough costs.'” (03/08/25)
