Source: New York Post
by Julian Epstein
“If you beamed in from Mars, you could learn everything about the state of the West and its politics through a split screen last week. On one half is an unhinged b-rated street-theater, suicide-march of mostly geriatric Democrats protesting Elon Musk’s effort to cut fraud, waste, and abuse — dandies like an EPA grant of $50 million to a group that believes ‘climate justice travels through a Free Palestine,’ $8 billion to teach Sri Lankan journalists how to use proper gender-fluid pronouns and grants for drag queen shows in Ecuador. Across the Atlantic at the same time were the pursed lips and stone faces of the priggish European Union bureaucratic elites warned by Vice President J.D. Vance about their increasing illiberalism — in particular their censorship and criminalization of political views in conflict with the EU’s yawning bureaucratic decrees.” (02/22/25)