Source: Caitlin Johnstone, Rogue Journalist
by Caitlin Johnstone
“Activist and author Yves Engler has been jailed by Montreal police for criticizing media figure Dahlia Kurtz and her support for Israeli atrocities in Gaza, after Kurtz said Engler’s comments made her feel ‘afraid for my safety.’ After Engler wrote about the charges against him, he reported that he was subsequently charged for ‘harassing the police’ by drawing public attention to his case. It’s fascinating how everyone who supports Israel always collapses into playing the victim at the earliest opportunity — even western police forces tasked with persecuting Israel’s critics. Israel models this victim-LARPing behavior, and its entire goon squad follows its example. But what’s interesting is that being perceived as the victim has no value in and of itself — what has value is sympathy. It is sympathy that Israel’s supporters are after. Playing the victim is just a means toward that end.” (02/23/25)