Source: Common Dreams
by Mike Lofgren
“[T]he late sociologist Robert Nisbet applied a pithy descriptor to a phenomenon we have seen all too often in public life: the ‘no-fault’ theory of political action, particularly in foreign affairs. ‘Presidents, secretaries, and generals and admirals in America seemingly subscribe to the doctrine that no fault ever attaches to policy and operations,’ he wrote. ‘This No Fault conviction prevents them from taking too seriously such notorious foul-ups as Desert One, Grenada, Lebanon, and now the Persian Gulf.’ Nisbet did not live to see a spectacular example of his theory. George W. Bush, having failed to prevent the 9/11 disaster his own intelligence agencies foresaw, proceeded to initiate a years-long disaster in Iraq, a catastrophe of his own making. Yet what were the consequences? The American people rewarded him with a second term in the face of abundant evidence of his incompetence and bad faith.” (02/13/25)