Time for a United Front to Take on Billionaire Rule [sic]

Source: In These Times
by Luis Feliz Leon

“President Donald Trump relishes deploying the ‘weave,’ his vulgar stream-of-consciousness spiels in which his vengeful fantasies and antipathy towards a cast of enemies become punchlines in an insult-comic routine. His far-right former adviser Steve Bannon has termed the Trump administration’s psychological warfare approach ​’flooding the zone.’ … ‘We want to put them in trauma,’ said Russell T. Vought, Project 2025’s man in the Trump White House, who has returned to lead the Office of Management and Budget, in a 2023 speech. ​’We want the bureaucrats to be traumatically affected. When they wake up in the morning, we want them to not want to go to work because they are increasingly viewed as the villains.'” [editor’s note: And this guy thinks that is a bad thing – SAT] (02/12/25)
