by Sam Pizzigati
“A classic coup d’etat has guns. Uniformed men run wild seizing government agencies and claiming control over what government does and who government serves. But in our new cyber age, the Yale historian Timothy Snyder reflected this past week, a coup can unfold without any armed overthrow. We can have ‘a couple dozen young men go from government office to government office, dressed in civilian clothes and armed only with zip drives.’ These young men, operating upon ‘vague references to orders from on high,’ can gain access to basic computer systems and ‘proceed to grant their Supreme Leader’ effective power over just about everything that government does. The historian Snyder is, of course, describing America’s current reality.” [editor’s note: So a peaceful attempt to discover and document government fraud, money laundering and kickbacks is a “coup” … but physically trying to storm into buildings is not, as long as your t shirt is the right color. Got it! – SAT] [additional editor’s note: Don’t assume a “peaceful attempt” disguise reflects reality – TLK] (02/11/25)