Whiny ex-CIA chief behind “Spies Who Lie” Hunter Biden letter makes “pathetic” claim after Trump yanks security clearance

Source: New York Post

“Former CIA Director John Brennan whined Tuesday about President Trump pulling security clearances for 51 ex-intelligence officials including him — all of whom claimed in an infamous letter that The Post’s bombshell scoop on Hunter Biden’s laptop emails in 2020 was ‘part of a Russian information operation.’ ‘He misrepresented the facts in that executive order because it said that we had suggested that the Hunter Biden laptop story was Russian disinformation,’ Brennan griped to MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell. ‘No, we said it was one of the hallmarks of Russian information operations, including the dumping of accurate information, which is what we said in that letter,’ he added. Critics immediately tore into the former intel boss.” (01/23/25)
