Biden’s war on cigarettes belongs on the ash heap

Source: Fox News
by David Marcus

“In the final days of his failed presidency, President Joe Biden’s Food and Drug Administration is moving ahead with a preposterous and dangerous plan to all but ban the sale of cigarettes in the United States. It must never be allowed to happen. The harebrained scheme from the geniuses in Washington is to reduce the level of nicotine in a cigarette to an almost imperceptible level, rendering the product all but useless. Mind you, nicotine itself is mainly harmless, but our bureaucratic betters find the cigarette’s deadly delivery of it too dangerous, even with high taxes and warning labels. So, like so many illiberal pencil pushers before them, their plan is simply to ban it. There are four basic reasons why this regulatory stomping out of cigarettes, a product associated with our nation for centuries, by the way, must never come to fruition.” (01/09/25)