Schools Are No Place for the ADL

Source: Common Dreams
by Marcy Winograd

“Launched in 1913 to counter antisemitism and discrimination, the Anti-Defamation League, or ADL, now resembles a mythological shapeshifter that presents alternately as a civil rights organization and a pro-Israel propagandist. In its ‘No Place for Hate’ program that caters to both elementary and secondary schools, the ADL’s stated mission is to empower students, teachers, and parents to ‘stand against bias and bullying …’ with school-wide pledges, projects, and games aimed at celebrating diversity and stamping out hate in the halls, in the cafeteria, in the reading circle, anywhere that hate may manifest. In Norse mythology, the jealous god Loki is a shapeshifter who appears alternately as a salmon or an old woman. Disguised as the old woman, Loki (the god of darkness) carves an arrow out of mistletoe to trick the blind god Hodr into hurling an arrow at his exalted twin brother, Baldr (the god of light).” (01/02/25)