Some Thoughts On The Mystery Drones

Source: Caitlin Johnstone, Rogue Journalist
by Caitlin Johnstone

“Okay I need to jot down some thoughts on the ‘mystery drone’ thing because it’s way too interesting a story to ignore. For those who aren’t aware, since mid-November people have been sighting large drones all over the east coast of the United States, and what makes this so interesting is that the US government is claiming they don’t know anything about them. Don’t know who owns them, where they’re taking off from or where they’re landing. They’re either lying or telling the truth about this, and either way it’s a major story. Either the US government is keeping secrets from the public about huge numbers of drones that have spent weeks flying over populated areas, or they somehow legitimately don’t know what’s going on with these sightings. Contemplating either of these possibilities should widen your eyes a bit.” (12/14/24)