Netanyahu Hilariously Claims Israel Doesn’t Seek To Intervene In Syria’s Affairs

Source: Caitlin Johnstone, Rogue Journalist
by Caitlin Johnstone

“Only Israel could invade and occupy large stretches of a country, bomb it 480 times in 48 hours, destroy 80 percent of its military defenses, and then claim that it has no intention of interfering in that country’s internal affairs. … Western regime change cheerleaders are partying about Syria as hard as they can right now because they know soon they’re going to have to turn a blind eye to everything that happens in that country for years to come, just like they did with Libya. … The new people in charge in Syria have announced that they’re going to be opening up the nation’s markets and integrating into the global economy, which is one of the least surprising developments in this story so far. This is textbook disaster capitalism which we see in every major imperial power grab on a disobedient nation.” (12/12/24)