Trump’s New War on Press Freedoms Has Already Begun

Source: Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting
by Ari Paul

“In speeches and public talks, Trump has repeatedly expressed his fondness for retribution. In 2011, he addressed the National Achievers Congress in Sydney, Australia, to explain how he had achieved his success. He noted there were a couple of lessons not taught in business school that successful people must know. At the top of the list was this piece of advice: ‘Get even with people. If they screw you, screw them back 10 times as hard. I really believe it.’ Knowing this about Trump, Democrats and liberals worry that he will use the Department of Justice, especially if Matt Gaetz is confirmed as attorney general, as an unrestrained vehicle to pursue the prosecution of political enemies.” [editor’s note: So blackmailing social media sites (as the Dems essentially did) to get them to censor your opponents is somehow NOT “a war on press freedoms?” – SAT] (11/16/24)