The Black Case Against Donald Trump

Source: TomDispatch
by Clarence Lusane

“Donald Trump was the worst president for Black people in the modern era, if not the nation’s history. Given a life of unremitting racial animus, under no circumstances should he receive a single vote from the Black community or other communities of color. After all, he’s never moderated his white nationalist sentiments and count on this: he never will. Yet, somehow, he has indeed managed to win support from a sliver of the Black community. In 2016, he captured 6% of its vote and that rose to 8% in his losing effort four years later. No, those weren’t the large numbers he claimed he would win, but given who he is and what he’s done his entire life, including during his presidency, far more than he deserved. In 2024, it’s still likely that he’ll only receive single-digit backing, despite earlier polls showing Black support of anywhere from 15%-20% or more, particularly among men.” (10/31/24)