How to Blow Up the Middle East War in Five Easy Steps

Source: Town Hall
by Victor Davis Hanson

“When Joe Biden became president, the Middle East was calm. Now it is in the midst of a multifront war. So quiet was the inheritance from the prior Trump administration that nearly three years later, on September 29, 2023 –and just eight days before the October 7 Hamas massacre of Israelis — Biden’s national security advisor Jack Sullivan could still brag that ‘The Middle East region is quieter today than it has been in two decades’. So, what exactly happened to the inherited calm that led to the current nonstop chaos of the present? In a word, theocratic Iran — the nexus of almost all current Middle East terrorism and conflict — was unleashed by Team Biden after having been neutered by the Trump administration. The Biden-Harris administration adopted a five-step revisionist protocol that appeased and encouraged Iran and its terrorist surrogates, Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis.” (10/04/24)