The Threat of 1,000 Holocausts Puts Everything at Stake

Source: Common Dreams
by Norman Solomon

“Everything is at stake with nuclear weapons. While working as a nuclear war planner for the Kennedy administration, Daniel Ellsberg was shown a document calculating that a U.S. nuclear attack on communist countries would result in 600 million dead. As he put it later: ‘A hundred Holocausts’. That was in 1961. Today, with nuclear arsenals vastly larger and more powerful, scientists know that a nuclear exchange would cause ‘nuclear winter.’ And the nearly complete end of agriculture on the planet. Some estimates put the survival rate of humans on Earth at 1 or 2 percent. No longer 100 Holocausts. More than 1,000 Holocausts. If such a nuclear war happens, of course we won’t be around for any retrospective analysis. Or regrets. So, candid introspection is in a category of now or never.” (10/01/24)