Universities Welcome Students & Staff Back to School With Repression

Source: Common Dreams
by James Zogby

In the 1960s, social critic Paul Goodman offered a parable to describe what had gone wrong with American higher education. … In this regard, it was not unlike earlier spontaneous protest movements that sprang up over the past decade: the Women’s March, the ‘Welcome immigrants’ demonstrations that filled U.S. airports in response to the ‘Muslim ban,’ the student-led ‘March for our Lives’ after repeated mass shootings, and the Black Lives Matter movement that erupted after the murder [sic] of George Floyd. The cease-fire/pro-Palestinian movement had much in common with these earlier efforts. Its politics skewed left, it was youth-led, and it was racially, ethnically, and religiously diverse. The difference was that a main locus of its activities was college campuses.” (09/17/24)
