Are you racist, or am I?

Source: The Pamphleteer
by Davis Hunt

“The last place one expects to see The Daily Wire personality Matt Walsh is in a ramshackle biker bar on the outskirts of Hartsville, TN. But midway through Am I Racist?, he’s in the thick of it as he converses with the watering hole’s regulars, including a guy in a shirt that says, ‘Vaginaterian.’ In his trademark plaid and oversized glasses that peek out from his impeccably trimmed beard, Walsh resembles an erudite lumberjack more partial to Crossfit than Paul Bunyan antics. But during this scene, he’s in disguise as a soy boy certified DEI trainer complete with man bun and skinny jeans, who hopes to get some deplorable perspectives on structural racism straight from the cis white male source. It’s a scene straight out of a Borat movie.” (09/13/24)