Biden & Harris fingerprints are all over disastrous Afghanistan pullout

Source: New York Post
by Rich Lowry

“The beginning of the end of Joe Biden’s presidency arrived in August 2021. That’s when the president began a catastrophic pullout from Afghanistan that shredded our national credibility and his own reputation. He never really recovered. The House Foreign Affairs Committee has just released an exhaustive 353-page report putting on record the sorry episode from beginning to end. The report’s over-arching conclusion is that this was a Joe Biden operation from beginning to end. He insisted on the withdrawal despite ample warnings from all sides, with the bull-headed stubbornness of someone who is often wrong but never in doubt. To paraphrase Lincoln, Biden was the author and the finisher of the debacle in Afghanistan.” [editor’s note: Well, except for the part where he implemented a deal Trump negotiated – TLK] (09/09/24)