Live-Streamed Genocide in Gaza Exposes US Complicity for All to See

Source: Middle East Eye
by Omar Suleiman

“With a military budget greater than the next 10 countries combined, the U.S. naturally remains an international hegemon. But it’s not the benevolent empire it once sold itself as to the globe. Now, as it transitions from post-9/11 forever wars, yet continues to engage in, finance and manufacture the weapons of a genocide, America’s decades-long spiritual decline has hit rock bottom. Recently, a man approached me after a lecture, asking: ‘What makes Gaza different?’ He was referring to the simultaneous international attention and inaction on the occupation’s barbarity in Gaza. Of course, there are religious implications: Muslims naturally revere Palestine as a holy land, as do Jews and Christians. There are historical implications, too, including an extensive history of over seven decades of Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories, the continuous building of illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank, as well as an ever-growing list of Israeli human rights abuses.” (09/10/24)