Congress Is Back, Feel the Excitement

Source: The American Prospect
by David Dayen

“Hey, remember Congress? A bicameral representative body elected throughout the country that meets in a neoclassical domed building in Washington? Down the street from the White House? Apparently that wasn’t just a fad from the ’90s and they still meet every now and again. In fact, they are back in session this very week. Who knew? I wouldn’t get your hopes up that they’ll do much of anything. In fact, September is a ‘you had one job’ session: Congress needs only to pass funding by the end of the month to keep the government in operation. Everything else, save for some messaging votes, will probably wait until after the election. Stop me if you’ve heard this before, but Congress is having a tough time figuring out how to accomplish this basic task of keeping the lights on.” (09/09/24)