Dog Bites Man: Alan Dershowitz renounces Democratic Party, cites “anti-Jewish” lawmakers at DNC

Source: Fox News

“Renowned legal scholar Alan Dershowitz recently announced that he is leaving the Democratic Party, after being ‘disgusted’ by what he witnessed at last month’s Democratic National Convention. The retired Harvard Law School professor, who is a longtime self-described liberal Democrat, told radio host Zev Brenner on Aug. 23 that he felt the Chicago gathering was ‘the worst convention in American history’ because of the number of speakers who have publicly expressed opposition to Israel. ‘They had more anti-Jewish, anti-Zionist people who were speaking, starting with [Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez] – a miserable, anti-Zionist bigot,’ Dershowitz said during an appearance on ‘Talkline with Zev Brenner’. ‘Then of course they had [Sen. Elizabeth] Warren, who is one of the most anti-Jewish people in the Senate. Then they had Bernie Sanders, one of the most anti-Jewish people in the Senate.'” (09/07/24)