So this is how liberty dies: in the void of an Atlanta TV

Source: Philadelphia Inquirer
by Will Bunch

“So this is how liberty dies: in the void of an Atlanta TV sound stage plastered with more CNN logos than a NASCAR Camaro, where the relentless march on Washington by an American Mussolini, fueled by lies about everything from national greatness to his sleazy sex life, could not be stopped either by the muzzled moderators or the coughing and occasionally confused 81-year-old who was the last thing standing between the United States and dictatorship. Everything you need to know about the critical, on-a-ventilator condition of American democracy can be explained by this: The candidate whose most memorable line was, ‘I did not have sex with a porn star’ …. and who walked onto the Atlanta stage with 34 felony convictions and civil verdicts of an adjudicated rape and massive financial fraud … is NOT the guy that pundits are begging to drop out of the 2024 presidential race.” (06/28/24)