A Right-Wing Turn to Nowhere

Source: In These Times
by Alberto Toscano

“While largely toothless as a democratic body—shorn of true legislative capacities and having never developed a genuine transnational dynamic (the European Parliament is nonetheless an important bellwether to track the continent’s political winds). As the results of the parliament’s June 6-9 elections confirm, those winds are blowing in a bleakly reactionary direction. While some center-left parties performed well (in Sweden and Italy, for instance), the overall picture is of the consolidation of a xenophobic, nationalist hard Right, vying to become the junior partner of the European People’s Party (EPP), the conservative, neoliberal coalition that has dominated the parliament since 1999. Across much of the continent, the verdict was severe. Marine Le Pen’s National Rally party crushed Emmanuel Macron’s makeshift coalition, leading the French president to call for snap parliamentary elections.” (06/17/24)
