Meet the New Military/Industrial Complex

Source: The Nation
by Michael T. Klare

“As I peered down inside a briefing tent at Camp Pendleton Marine Corps Base, California, on March 5, a giant floor screen projected the back-and-forth maneuvers of ‘red’ (aggressor) and ‘blue’ (defending) forces across the western Pacific. Over and over again, air and sea assets of the red force (identified as a ‘near-peer adversary’ of the United States — a common stand-in for China) penetrated deep into ‘blue’ territory occupied by Washington’s allies, only to be repulsed or destroyed by blue’s own combat forces. In a scenario that can only be described as a modernized version of World War II in the Pacific, blue forces augmented their air and naval strikes with amphibious assaults to drive red invaders from islands they had seized at the onset of the exercise.” (04/22/24)