Listening while on the stump

Source: Christian Science Monitor
by staff

“For many voters around the world, trusting an election result matters almost more than who wins. A December poll in the United States, for example, showed that a large majority of Republicans and Democrats worry about inaccurate or misleading election information in 2024. Recent state-level reforms in the U.S. could help assuage those concerns. But the main need, argues Lawrence Lessig, a Harvard Law School professor and author of the new book ‘How To Steal a Presidential Election,’ is for something softer. Dissolving distrust, he told NPR, requires that ‘people face to face, one to one, begin to just talk to each other and engage on – about – this reality of our division and how we need to get beyond it.’ The idea of listening to those with whom we disagree is seldom measured in global surveys on democracy.” (04/16/24)