Hey, everyone …
Instead of a web-only “Firehose Friday,” this week, we’re sending out a complete email/social media edition … but we’ve got MORE content for you as well. More news stories. More opinion pieces. More audio/video links. More than 20 additional links!
I don’t like going web-only EVERY Friday, but we do tend to find more content on Thursdays (personally, I think a lot of sites push more stuff out on Thursday so they can take three-day weekends).
Anyway, you can find all the extra stuff (it’s not sorted by content type) at:
Yes, we are a reader-supported publication! Yes, you are a reader! Yes, we have a link relating to those two things!
Have a happy, healthy, and prosperous weekend and we’ll be back to our normal size / format on Monday.
Yours in liberty,
Tom Knapp
Rational Review News Digest / Freedom News Daily