How Education Department’s “letters” wasted billions on Washington’s woke whims

Source: New York Post
by Robert Pondiscio

“When Elon Musk’s budget-cutters start hunting for waste in the US Education Department, good luck finding the smoking gun. The agency’s roughly $240 billion annual haul isn’t a slush fund for whimsical bureaucrats — it’s mostly a conveyor belt, dutifully delivering dollars to programs Congress has already blessed. Title I’s $18 billion for poor kids? Mandated. IDEA’s $15 billion for special education? Same deal. Pell Grants topping $30 billion? That’s the Higher Education Act, not some rogue educrat’s hobbyhorse. Critics itching to dismantle the department often imagine it’s awash in frivolous spending, but the truth is more mundane: It’s mostly a middleman. The real waste isn’t in the budget lines — it’s in the mailroom.” (03/02/25)