Why this “megaphone diplomacy” isn’t helpful

Source: Responsible Statecraft
by Anatol Lieven

“On ascending the throne in 1881, Tsar Alexander III of Russia proclaimed that ‘From henceforth, all matters of state will be discussed quietly between Ourselves and God.’ Both parts of this statement contain excellent advice for contemporary leaders. If you have a direct line to God (and several obviously think that they do), you should use it. And whether talking to the Divinity or anyone else, international affairs should be discussed quietly. This is probably pointless advice when offered to products of democratic political systems; and in the case of President Trump he would need to experience something like a lightning bolt on the road to Damascus to follow it. Nonetheless, recent days have, or should have, offered a lesson in the folly and dangers of megaphone ‘diplomacy.'” (02/26/25)
