A Stormy Celebration of Globalization

Source: EconLog
by Jon Murphy

“I have an important tradition I like to uphold: every winter storm, I like to eat citrus fruit. Sumo oranges are typical, but lemons and limes will suffice too. I started this tradition when I was a visiting scholar at Syracuse University. Being in Central New York and close to Lake Ontario, winter storms happen. A lot. It starts snowing in October and doesn’t stop until May. Temperatures plummet and the wind sucks the very soul from your body. Mab, the Fairy Queen of Winter, rules supreme there for a good portion of the year. Despite winter’s icy grip, citrus is plentiful. Walk into any grocery store, and you will find mountains of fresh, high quality citrus. … some readers may dismiss my story here as commonplace. True. But that is exactly the point!” (01/28/25)
