Everyone’s A Based Post-Christian Vitalist Until The Grooming Gangs Show Up

Source: Astral Codex Ten
by Scott Alexander

“Whenever I talk about charity, a type that I’ll call the ‘based post-Christian vitalist’ shows up in the comments to tell me that I’ve got it all wrong. The moral impulse tells us to help our family, friends, and maybe village. It’s a weird misfire, analogous to an auto-immune disease, to waste brain cycles on starving children in a far-off country who you’ll never meet. … it was revealing to watch some of these people trip over themselves to say we should invade Britain because of its tolerance for Pakistani grooming gangs. … the people who claim a principled commitment to not caring about the suffering of poor kids in foreign countries suddenly care a lot about the suffering of poor kids in foreign countries.” (01/22/25)
