Banned from Feeding the Hungry

Source: Law & Liberty
by Austin Raynor

“On April 7, 2024, Mitchell West was arrested for handing out free burritos to the hungry. While West and other members of a local charity distributed food to impoverished community members in the courthouse square in Dayton, Ohio, a police officer approached and told them to stop. West doled out one last burrito. The officer placed him in handcuffs. In Dayton, no one can share food with the hungry without the government’s permission. It doesn’t matter that West’s charity complies with the same food safety standards as the restaurants in Dayton or that it cleans up trash before and after each service. Because the city requires a separate permit for each six-hour increment, even a shoestring charity like West’s would have to pay hundreds of dollars in fees each year.” (01/07/25)