Should we look forward to designer babies?

Source: Adam Smith Institute
by Madsen Pirie

“Some people recoil in horror at the thought of designer babies, ones genetically altered to incorporate sought-after traits when they are born. The rhetoric talks of the ‘insolence’ of ‘playing God’ instead of letting nature take its course. The case against seems to be one of allowing every fertilized ovum that attaches to a placenta to be born with the genes it acquired from its parents instead of having them altered. If parents were given a choice of traits their newborn might arrive with, they might choose clever, more talented ones, creating a gulf between those who were selected for a greater chance of success in life and those who were not. … If intervention of this nature gives us human beings who are better physically and mentally, the case is very strong that it will lead to a much better world for everyone.” (01/06/25)