Source: The Dispatch
by Kevin D Williamson
“Herschel Walker, the failed Senate candidate, says he has been treated for an unusual mental-health problem: multiple personalities. I wonder how many personalities he has. I wonder if any of them knows how many children he has. I wonder if he has a personality that doesn’t give every impression of being functionally illiterate. But, then, I’m no diplomat. Walker, however, apparently is. Yes, a wife-abusing dolt and famous football player who at one point played for Donald Trump’s New Jersey Generals in the United States Football League — another of the many business ventures Trump’s incompetence has helped to wreck over the years — will be nominated by the president-elect to serve as U.S. ambassador to the Bahamas. … There have always been a lot of grifters and social climbers in the ambassadorial ranks — leave it to Donald Trump to plumb an even lower class of them.” (12/27/24)