A Failed Nap Metaphysics

Source: PsychoPolitica
by Nikita Petrov

“I was thinking about the piece on Steve Bannon and the noosphere warfare I was preparing for publication; and also of the scene in the Bible where the entity presented as ‘the LORD God’ says, after Adam and Eve eat what appears to be a psychedelic plant of some sort, ‘Behold, the man has become like one of Us, to know good and evil.’ This passage is often cited as evidence that the Abrahamic religion didn’t start out as monotheistic: at first, Yahweh was one of many spiritual beings recognized by the Hebrew tribe, then he managed to monopolize the Israelite market — ‘thou shalt have no other gods before me’ — and only later did this exclusive deal escalate to the status of an ontological claim that other gods simply do not exist.” (12/03/24)
