Take Trump Seriously and Literally

Source: Washington Monthly
by Paul Glastris

“Donald Trump has vowed to jail his political rivals, muzzle the press, gut the civil service, deport millions of undocumented immigrants, use federal agencies to reward corporations friendly to him and punish those deemed unfriendly, eliminate taxes on Social Security (resulting in severe benefits cuts), weaken the Federal Reserve’s independence so he can cut interest rates at will (which would likely spook investors and cause capital flight), and build a wall of tariffs around the U.S. economy (which could spark a trade war and possibly a global recession). The press has dutifully reported on these alarming campaign promises, sometimes quoting experts explaining their potentially disastrous consequences. Most of these stories, however, leave room for the idea … that what the former president promises on the campaign trail isn’t what he’ll do in office.” (10/25/24)
