What Trump 2.0. Really Means

Source: Persuasion
by Damon Linker

“How is it possible that a louche Manhattan real estate mogul, tabloid celebrity, and reality-show television star launched a successful hostile takeover of one of the two major parties in the most powerful nation on earth, managed to get himself elected president, served out a single chaotic term, attempted a hapless self-coup to keep himself in office after losing his bid for re-election, became a convicted felon and faced numerous additional charges in several different jurisdictions, and then returned to run for president for a third time, all the while keeping himself within a couple of points of his opponent? We’re all familiar with the story. But it’s worth rehearsing in these stark terms because the fact is that human beings can get used to just about anything, given sufficient time for acclimation.” (10/18/24)
