Blinken Puts Lipstick on the Pig

Source: The American Conservative
by Doug Bandow

“Reading Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s latest essay in Foreign Affairs was a lot like listening to the famous ‘Joe Isuzu’ auto ads almost 40 years ago. Joe would make the most outrageous statements about a car, followed by the declaration ‘he’s lying.’ In an article entitled ‘America’s Strategy of Renewal,’ Blinken made a similar series of unbelievable statements. Only the ‘he’s lying,’ was missing. Nearly four years into the Biden presidency, declared Blinken, ‘President Biden and Vice President Harris pursued a strategy of renewal, pairing historic investments in competitiveness at home with an intensive diplomatic campaign to revitalize partnerships abroad.’ Indeed, that understates the president’s influence, at least according to the president.” (10/10/24)