Year-End Fundraiser Update (and Storm Warning)

THANK YOU to supporters GB, DM, ERW, and ACS! Their donations over the weekend, totaling $27.50, bring our year-end fundraiser total (as of 6am on Monday, October 7) to $294.50!

Our goal is $5,351. With “matching funds” from supporter GL, that means we’re $2,381 short. The sooner we reach our goal, the sooner I stop whining about money entirely for the rest of the year (and almost entirely until next October). Please help us get there at:

My household caught the edge of Hurricane Helene on September 26. We were a lot more fortunate than so many others — no electricity or Internet for a day and a half, but no injuries or significant damage — but now we look set to catch the edge of ANOTHER storm, Hurricane Milton, on Wednesday.

That does NOT mean you won’t be seeing the freedom movement’s daily newspaper. It DOES mean that we may be smaller/shorter, “web-only,” without email notifications for at least a day or maybe longer. When my Internet access is down hard, Steve covers for me as best he can and we muddle through.

But back to the topic at hand: We’re a reader-supported publication, you’re a reader, and this is the time of year that we hit you up hard for support. Kick in at:

Have a great day!

Yours in liberty,
Tom Knapp
Rational Review News Digest / Freedom News Daily