Calamity in a keystroke: How the FBI copes with mounting threats

Source: Washington Post
by George F Will

“Everyone lives in, and enjoys the myriad cultural and commercial benefits of, today’s connected world. Few think about how connectedness, which facilitates the flow of everything from information to bananas, comes with grave vulnerabilities: Computer keystrokes somewhere can cause physical damage and social chaos in distant elsewheres. World War II’s bomber fleets could not do the instantaneous damage that cyberattacks could do today by, say, opening dams’ floodgates, closing pipelines, crippling power grids or water systems, turning off electricity to hospitals, or paralyzing the financial services industry. Most hospital and airport backup power capacities are designed to suffice for only about 48 hours. Welcome to Christopher A. Wray’s world of worries.” (10/04/24)