Year-End Fundraiser Update

THANK YOU to supporter KL, whose $50 donation yesterday brings our annual fundraiser total (as of 6am on Thursday, October 3) to $100!

Our goal is $5,351 … but once we raise the first half of that, supporter GL has agreed to “match funds” for the other half. Which means we’re only $2,575.50 short. Get us there at:

It’s a little early in the fundraiser for me to start spinning yarns, waxing nostalgic about the history and legacy of the oldest daily Internet news roundup for libertarians (since 1991!), etc., so I’ll just stick to a key point:

We do this once a year, and once we make our goal we shut up about money ENTIRELY for the rest of the year (and then MOSTLY until the following October). Buy yourselves a longer period of that golden silence at:

Have a great day!

Yours in liberty,
Tom Knapp
Rational Review News Digest / Freedom News Daily