How Much Would an American-Made Toaster Actually Cost?

Source: Reason
by Eric Boehm

“If you happen to be in need of a new toaster, you could pop over to Home Depot later today and pick one up for less than $30 …. Cheap, abundant kitchen appliances are one of the truly wonderful things about modern America, and they are possible because we can take advantage of global trade and the efficiencies made possible by outsourcing low-level manufacturing. … Writing in The Atlantic, however, Oren Cass argues that the country would be better off if those markets were a little less efficient. What if a new toaster that was made in America costs $32 instead of $30 for a foreign-made one, he argues. Wouldn’t that make workers better off? He’s wrong and that $32 toaster won’t exist, but it’s worth walking through the argument to see why.” (09/27/24)